Invoice Management -

Invoice Management

Challenges in manual Invoice Processing

  • Managing a large volume of invoices from Multiple vendors.
  • Multi legal entry or multi departmental approvals.
  • Multiple sources of invoice storage.
  • Delays in processing, errors, and missed payments.
  • Other challenges include dealing with incomplete or inaccurate invoices.
  • Resolving disputes with vendor and maintaining compliance with tax regulations and accounting standards.
  • Generate relevant reports

Benefits of automated Invoice Processing

  • AI enabled invoice capturing & processing
  • Streamline invoice processing by organizing approvals and data at one place
  • Gives more control over internal processing functions with tracking functionality
  • Automation will Improve the speed at which vendor invoices are processed
  • Helps in automatically assigning approvers and pushing invoices into financial systems for payment.
  • Transparent inter department movement of invoices.

Key Features

  • Invoice from mail auto upload (with AI)
  • Invoice upload manually
  • Invoice tagging for department to process or approve (2 level)
  • Invoice processing 5 stages
  • Document controller
  • Review
  • Department approval
  • Endorsed approved
  • Finance approval 
  • Request ID , Invoice date , Invoice type , Vendor , Status , Amount, Assigned to , Comments & Activity date
  • Multiple sort options based on vendor , invoice type , status & activity date
  • Download visible records to excel
  • Multi filter of invoice to sort on the basis of organization or department
  • For a quick overview Invoice zoom in and zoom out facility and easy to find deviations
  • Actionable – on hold, cancel, reject, and reassign.
  • Realtime actions and activities on invoice.
  •  Multiple invoice download and upload options

Dashboard & Reporting

  • Quick view on initiated , review , approved , rejected endorsed , request for payment , reassign , cancel & paid
  • Departmental view
  • Invoices processed in a day or week


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