IT Services and Business Solutions for Manufacturing Industries | ICS

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    Business Solutions for Manufacturing Industries

    Success in the manufacturing industry requires producing the right products, in the right quantities, at the right time, with good quality, and at a price the customer is willing to pay.

    The flexibility to respond to compliance standards and the ever-changing needs of customers, such as providing real-time visibility into global operations, is also imperative for success. Meeting these demands requires the ability to make quick decisions based on accurate data.

    Microsoft Dynamics ERP and CRM solutions work like and with familiar Microsoft software. They automate and improve financial, customer relationship, and supply-chain management.

    Deep Operational Visibility

    Adopting a single integrated system gives you real-time visibility into all aspects of your operations.

    Gather and synthesize internal and external data, then uses comprehensive business intelligence and reporting solutions to drive transparency and further accountability.

    Retain Customers and Drive Loyalty

    Capture, monitor, and analyze information relating to customers and purchase histories, so you can segment the market, refine your offerings, optimize production, and increase customer loyalty.

    Flexible business processes further increase your agility and responsiveness, making your company a service leader.

    Improve Sales & Marketing

    Better Segmentation of the customers and appropriate marketing campaigns with defined results and ROI.

    Manage sales leads, opportunities, track forecasts and get a better view of the pipeline.

    Efficient Operations

    With flexible business processes, you can easily support outsourcing, make-to-order, make-to-stock, or any other production model.

    With the right mix of process improvements, you can increase output while reducing material costs, inventory carrying needs, and working capital requirements. Lower per-unit production costs, which translate to more pricing flexibility in the market.

    Increased transparency

    Automated quote generation and processing

    Automated and flexible pricing

    Product availability checking

    Demand planning based on historical data and statistical forecasting methods

    Accounting and Compliance

    An integrated operational and accounting system makes it easier to account and report on financial and operational results.Quickly, easily, and accurately generate financial reports – both managerial and statutory – that you need to inform decisions and ensure compliance.

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